What to Wear to Yoga Class: A Complete Guide for Beginners

Yoga class is a tremendous atmosphere where people can show their personalities and levels of experience in a judgement-free zone.

The best aspect of it is the free reign you have to explore different postures, ideologies, techniques, and even types of yoga itself.

One day you may be sitting in a hot yoga class for 90-minutes, and the next day you can do a recovery yoga class that has you in-and-out in less than 30-minutes.

However, there are some unwritten rules to the proper attire you should sport for a yoga session.

Keep reading for tips on what to wear to yoga class next time you attend.

1. Range of Motion

As you’re no doubt already aware, yoga will have you bending and folding in ways you never thought possible before stepping onto that yoga mat.

One of the most uncomfortable situations in a yoga class is when you have clothing that restricts your movement or is so tight that it inhibits your ability to stretch.

On the flip side of that, clothing that is too loose will get in your way at times or show a bit too much of your skin. Such as when you’re doing a bridge pose and your loose shirt slips too far down.

So do your best Goldilocks impression and search for that happy medium between clothing that is loose enough for breathability but isn’t too loose.

2. Prepare to Sweat

Even if you aren’t signing up for a 90-minute Bikram (hot yoga) class, you should still expect the room temperature to reach up to 90-degrees at the peak of the class.

In preparation for this, find yourself clothing that is lightweight and breathable enough to withstand your sweat.

Also, be sure to find moisture-wicking material clothing if possible, so that your sweat doesn’t inhibit your workout at all. 

Fellas, keep an eye out for shorts around knee-length but stay away from basketball shorts (as they’ll slip too far up in some poses). Be sure to wear compression shorts, never wear boxers to a class… you’re just asking for trouble.

Ladies, try to find cute t-shirts, tank tops, and yoga pants for clothing that is tight but not motion-inhibiting.

3. Don’t Worry About the Shoes

If you’ve never been to a yoga class before, you may be wondering what type of footwear is best for doing a session. The answer: no footwear at all.

Almost all yogis practice their yoga in bare feet to help with balance and control the ways your body moves in poses (by maximizing the powers of the toes). 

Not to mention that the yoga mat feels super comfy on bare feet and grips better to the bottom of your toes than to socks.

Obviously, wear some form of footwear to the class, but once you’re there, there should be a cubby or area to store your shoes while the class is going on.

Don’t feel like you have to succumb to peer pressure and go barefoot if you aren’t comfortable doing so. Yoga socks exist for that specific purpose, and they are pretty darn comfy!

4. Don’t Get Too Crazy with the Wardrobe

The yoga industry has some of the most beautiful and decorative apparel of any exercise out there, so it can be easy to see yourself fitting into that skin-tight, bright yellow and magenta onesie.

However, will you feel comfortable in it during a 90-minute root yoga session in a room full of 20 other modestly dressed people?

If so, then go for it! If not, maybe you should reach for something you’d be more comfortable in. Remember, yoga is first and foremost a form of exercising and improving your mental state through relaxation.

How can you properly relax if you’re spending the entire class worried that other people are judging you? Just make sure to stay true to yourself and wear things that allow you the freedom to focus solely on the class itself.

While the yoga studio is certainly a place for social interaction, the class itself should be all about bettering your body and spirit!

5. Leave the Accessories at the Door

Be prepared to sweat a lot during your session as you change from pose to pose and try to hold a posture for 2 to 3 minutes at a time.

Because of that, you may want to consider leaving all accessories (such as jewelry, smartwatches, and phones) at the door. 

Smartwatches can get really nasty if worn too tight, the sweat will collect under the watch and might permanently damage the material it’s made of. If you’re trying to track your calories and heartbeat that’s understandable, just make sure it’s on silent.

Phones, however, have absolutely no place in the yoga studio while you’re taking a class. A phone will do you no good being on the floor by you while you practice, and may become a distraction to others if it were to start ringing.

Jewelry has been known to lead to injury during exercise, so it’s best to take it off while in yoga-mode.

What to Wear to Yoga: Comfortable and Breathable

Now that you have a better understanding of what to wear to yoga class, it’s time to grab your yoga mat and head to a class near you!

Speaking of yoga mats, be sure to read this article on cleaning your yoga mat for info on proper cleaning techniques.

Be sure to check back to Imcentered.com often for the latest and greatest in the London Yoga community!